About Us

How everything started...

The Renaissance furniture company (D. João V, D. José I, among others) was founded in 1950, by Jerónimo Tomás da Silva, giving the company its own name that was implanted in Quinta das Aléns that had previously been acquired from Pinto Group & amp; Sotto Mayor.

In 1973, a company was formed integrating the sons of the founder: Jerónimo Almerindo Rocha da Silva and Delfim Rocha da Silva, changing their name to JERODEL (J&D), diversifying styles, expanding the range of production and implementing new strategies to capture new markets.

For innovation and bold design, Jerodel has achieved national recognition and international, at Export Home, in Portugal, obtained the 1st design award for presentation of the “Sensus1 Room”. In the same year, at the invitation of AICEP, presented the same “Sensus1 Room” in S. Paulo, Brazil, also obtaining the first prize for furniture design.

Nos últimos 48 anos especializou-se na produção de móveis de estilo clássico contemporâneo, tornando-se uma empresa de referência no sector mobiliário português.

In 2019, Jerodel, in order to guarantee its activity, was integrated into Group A. Simões, becoming known as Azzento, being in full expansion counting on know-how of half a century of experience.

Our mission

'Provide to the end customers products with high quality and maximum functionality, according to the demands of our customers.'

Factory Unit

With more then 3000m2 covered reserved for the production section, the company uses an horizontal production system, which includes diferent areas, from manufacturing to pre-assembly and assembly at the place of delivery.


We go to great lenghts to realize your dream. We guarantee a personalized service before, during and after the sale, so that it meets your information needs.

Meet our family

Our employees are always rewarded for their hard work throughout the year.
We consider it important to enhance the good environment in our workplace, so that it can be transmitted in the company’s productivity. As such, initiatives are organized to make them feel like family.